Sunday, November 11, 2012


Gyn is the lead vocalist in a group called Blue Light Funk. I went to see them late last night in honolulu at Gordon Biersch. These excellent musicians remind me nostalgically of times growing up and seeing the Rippingtons backstage and performing in LA. Blue Light Funk has a musical prowess that leaves novel listeners and students of music alike with volumes of knowledge from their performances.  People's reactions are part of the entertainment!

This is not why I’m writing this narrative though; it takes alot to inspire me to sit down and flesh out ideas in written form with surf season in high gear. What's important particularly about last night was that I witnessed what may have been possibly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen between a couple. No love story, movie, novel romance efficiently demonstrates what happened in one instantaneous action that would’ve been unseen if you weren’t looking for it. All the virtues, descriptions, narratives and illuminations of imagination designed to provoke or engage the stimulation of love were funneled into a singular action.

I was sitting at the table when Gyn came over and sat down....... his vocal counterpart Melody was handling the vocals for the moment so Gyn was sitting out for a song...... his wife took a seat, and another woman who I hadn't met. I introduced myself, her name was Margaret—she was Marc’s wife (the guitarist). Marc is a studied and expressive guitarist.

The area in front of the stage was full of dancers letting out nervous energy from the sensory overload Blue Light Funk produces. Just so you have an idea ---Blue Light’s bass player Cat lays down bass lines and bylines --- under, over, around the melody, through the groove and in between his legs. Cat doesn’t resist it, his entire body is in syncopation with the sound like sonar traveling from his bass.  Drummer Josh dishes a ground and pound rhythm filling every gap and edge of musical tone like a coral reef covered in wet cement....... wet cement, because his arrangements will lock your ass into a groove if ya let him sit for too long.

In the midst of all the dancing Margaret stood up and walked over to the side of the stage where nobody was, near Marc, and started dancing. I watched as Marc quickly stepped down off the stage with guitar in hand trading dance moves with his lady without missing a beat. They went back and forth in a dancing dialogue trading move for move. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed-- kind of thing that gets tucked away in your psyche teaching you for years and years to come....... stuff like, ‘I hope one day I can love that courageously and gently'........ Marc didn’t stand up on stage, or demonstrate any type of resistance like ‘I’m up here playing right now.’ He quickly stepped down and reached over and touched the foot pedals a couple times with his hand to change tones on his guitar; to be near to her, to shroud her in love and support........ his guitar is screamin’  like a mad fool in love. 

Blue Light Funk delivers the hurt, they funk up every venue in hawaii.  Take the opportunity if ya ever get to hear them Live.